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Gifts from Our Father

dir. Armaja LaRue-Hill
Running time: 19 min.

Winner: Best Film


A decade after meeting her father on Facebook, a woman travels through the American south to meet her three paternal siblings for the first time. As she braces herself for the trip, she faces obstacles from her maternal upbringing creating chaos in her identity. As she tries to develop a relationship with her siblings, she must tackle her past and sense of self so she can truly give herself to her brothers and sister.

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Armaja LaRue-Hill is a filmmaker and documentary journalist from Kansas City. Now a senior in Documentary Journalism, she once spent a gap year in San Francisco, California working and freelancing as a videographer. In that year, her script "Black Valley '' soared to top 6 out of 1500 in the BET & American Black Film Festival competition, making her the competition’s youngest semi-finalist writer. At the University of Missouri, she continues to work as a freelance videographer for local businesses and organizations. In her free time, she produces and writes short films and is currently working on a documentary based in Nigeria. She hopes after the premiere of her debut film Gifts from Our Father, she will move to New York City and continue to work on other projects.