

dir. Jackson Bollinger
Running time: 9 min.

The linear theory of time is challenged in this nonfiction essay, as a young filmmaker tries to form a meaningful relationship with a deceased relative. Taking the audience through this attempt to bend time and form connections, Temporal uses footage from Los Angeles and New York to analyze how spaces can hold memories, even after people are gone. The film is narrated by an omniscient voice that guides the audience through this ambitious attempt to blur the lines of past and present.

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Jackson Bollinger


Director: Jackson Bollinger
Producers: Jackson Bollinger, Robert Greene and Stacey Woelfel
Cinematographers: Jackson Bollinger, Wyatt Wu
Editor: Jackson Bollinger
Narrator: Tricia Brioux

Technical Info:
Shooting format: 2K
Screening formats: 2K
Spoken language: English
Subtitles: none
Frame Aspect Ratio: 1.78:1
Sound: Stereo

Method M Films contact details:
Stacey Woelfel, director
243 Walter Williams Hall
Columbia, MO 65211
(573) 882-0698

2018 Stronger Than Fiction Film Festival - Columbia, Missouri